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A Bit of Spring Cleaning

·2 mins

Hey 👋

This one is just a quick PSA about some of the resources I’ve put out into the web.

So you might not know this (unlikely, since you are on this website) that among other things over time I did put out there as public resources a few Notion boards:

  • one about React Native Performances
  • one to keep a list of all the places the React Native Community is
  • one with Mental Health resources

What I’ve done this week between a tick and a tock is to:

The advantages of having those boards over on Notion is that they were more “pretty” to look at, and it was easier for me to add something there (instead of having to make a commit on markdown and then push it up) BUT it came at the cost of making it harder for other people to contribute to them and let’s be real the urls were awful.

I’ve done these moves with the hope that this will make it easier for folks to find these resources, use them more, fork them and contribute as well. Which is great also because all of them have most likely some sections that are incomplete or something is missing since I created them - I do give them a pass from time to time but I’m sure there’s that one thing you have in mind that it’s not there and it should be and well GUESS what. Now it’s easy for you to add it. Just send a PR.

If you want to give any of them a ⭐️ it’d be awesome but no worries. No, really, it’s not a big deal.

And that’s about it, see ya ✌️

PS: in case you missed it I also released a new debug:mind episode this week, it’s about depression and it’s the best episode so far. Check it out and give the channel a sub, will ya?

Lorenzo 'kelset' Sciandra
Lorenzo ‘kelset’ Sciandra
Lorenzo Sciandra is a Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft, where he helps leading React Native initiatives and collaborations with partners like Amazon and Meta. An active maintainer of React Native since 2018, he combines his technical expertise with a strong commitment to open source and mental health advocacy.